Benevent l’Abbaye: le pelerin

It is now time to update and simplify our guidelines for coming into contact with this cult and the leadership of Chris & Clare Godson:

The Godson Cult:

avoid introducing anyone under the age of 18yo to Chris or Clare Godson;

avoid introducing anyone who is vulnerable to the cult leadership;

do not book anyone under the age of 18yo into the gites or B&B operated by the cult in Benevent l’Abbaye;

do not leave any family members alone with the cult leadership;

avoid talking about your family to Chris & Clare Godson;

do not give information about younger members of family or their places of education;

do not leave any sensitive material about your family in your rooms if you are forced to stay in cult accommodation;

do not leave passports or valuables in your rooms;

secure all your room doors overnight/put a chair or item of furniture against the door;

make sure that you inform friends and family if you are forced to stay in cult operated gites or B&B in Benevent l’Abbaye (this applies to all ages);

make sure that family and friends are aware of your whereabouts after any stay with the Godsons;

establish a routine time for a phone call to friends and family;

be prepared to report any alarming behaviour by the cult leadership to the Gendarmerie or Police;

resist threats or aggressive persuasion used by the cult leadership;

avoid contact with any of the “helpers” they are usually teen and underage girls recruited to compromise guests and make them vulnerable to blackmail, please remember that you are dealing with predatory paedophiles who have prostituted young girls for over 20 years;

if you are blackmailed by the cult leadership contact the Gendarmerie or Police in Gueret (also;

do not accept lifts or offers of assistance from the cult leadership;

do not accept invitations to lunch or supper with the cult leadership;

do not offer any views on religion or start a discussion on religion with the Godson couple;

do not accept for one minute that the Godsons were missionaries in the accepted sense, they operated child brothels in Thailand and Cambodia;

email    if you need urgent advice concerning the “activities” of Chris and Clare Godson;

if you withdraw from a contract/commission with Chris Godson do not be bullied with threats of legal action but report the matter to the authorities responsible for commerce in France:

if Godson piles on “extras” resist all threats and report the matter;

the Godson couple market their gites, B&B, fosse septique, building enterprise with  (understandably)  no mention of their predatory paedophile cult, be very careful in your contact with them. Entrapment links:;;; They also claim bogus missionary status on a number of Camino websites.

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